Saturday, November 8, 2008

Makan pagi + makanan manis

It's a very Western breakfast, but I was so happy to see it on our first day in Jakarta because I was not expecting food at the apartment. We weren't as happy the next three days when we saw the same setup, with fewer and fewer (increasingly softer) bananas and slices of papaya. Beggars can't be choosers, right?

Tiny sweets from Balai Kartini. The plate was clean soon after the photo was taken.

Wingko Babad, a flavored kakanin in Filipino terms. This unwrapped one is lemon-flavored. Small but filling.


  1. I am sooo not eating papaya for a month.

  2. i am sooo not eating bananas for a week :)

  3. What strikes me is the familiarity of the words.
    Mangan and pakan are words that both have to do with eating in Kapampangan. What do makan pagi and makanan manis mean?
    Ooooh... Wingko babad. I'd like to try those sometime!

  4. makan pagi is breakfast. makanan manis means sweet food. thanks for dropping by, fritzie!

  5. hello friend,anybody here?i look the food,that is very delicous!!!ermmmm......yummy yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!
