Sunday, August 12, 2007

Close encounters

Posting this today because I'm still incensed. Being an Asian woman in Europe doesn't shield you from men with crazy thoughts.

Encounter #1: Bus stop in front of Sony Center, Berlin, three weeks ago
While waiting for the 200 bus to come, I eat a small square of Ritter Sport chocolate. A bald man smoking a cigarette shows me the coins in his hand. He said he only had 30 cents and would pay me for chocolate because he needed the sugar. Feeling generous, I give him a row of squares.

Man: Do you have €1000?
Me: No.
Man: I'm not here for sport.

A few moments pass. He then asks if I can buy something for him to eat in a bakery for two or three euros. I thought that was too much and said no. After a while, he asked if I needed the rest of the chocolate. I said I would need it.

Maybe he was in debt. But just because I'm Asian doesn't mean I'm gonna say yes all the time. There were several others at the stop he could have asked for help from if he really needed it.

Encounter #2: Bus stop on Well Street, London, three days ago
Walking past a bus stop, a man waiting at the stop says hi to me. I say hi back and keep on walking. I hear him say "excuse me", so I turn around.

Man: Is that Greek? (referring to the print on my shirt)
Me: Yes.
Man: What does it mean?
Me: My ideas don't shrink in the wash.
Man: Really. You look nice.
Me: Thank you.
Man: Just [giving off] some positive vibes.
Me: Thanks.

Then he asks my name and whether I'm a local. I say I'm in the area for a month then moving elsewhere. He asks if I have time for a chat. I say no, sorry. He wishes me a good day. I say "you, too" and walk away.

Encounter #3: In front of an establishment in Chinatown, 6pm today
While walking on the sidewalk with a friend, a man slaps my bum. In shock, but not wanting to give him the pleasure of a stare, I just say aloud "Hey. Watch it" and cross the street with my friend, who is unaware of what has happened.

I didn't even get to see his face. I didn't want to look at the men he was with either. What shocks me is that this happened in broad daylight, and there were people in the street. If this happens again, I know what to do. I will give a glare and say "bumslapper!", cross the road, take his photo, and get a friend to post it on Facebook for all of London to see.


  1. Jajjajajajja...
    Well, at least anything bad happened.

    I recommend you a spray for the eyes.

    It´s surprising that people dare to harrass you even when you are with a friend.

  2. I forgot to say that I love your new cake header. DeLightful!

  3. hahaha! funny enough, I've been here over 6 years and haven't been bumslapped just yet. you handled it coolly - dunno if I would've done the same.
