Nausicaä of the Valley of the Winds (Kaze no tani no Naushika), 1984
A peace-loving princess who respects the natural world saves human from the destruction they bring upon themselves. Interesting how the animation mixes different eras together through production design. Great theme music. Visionary for its time.
Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi), 2001
This 2003 Oscar-winner for Best Animated Film is an amazing mix of hand-drawn art and CGI. Moving house, a girl and her parents chance upon an unusual place. Chihiro finds work at the bath house of the gods and goes on an unusual path to bring her parents back to the human world. The little girl in me loves this film.
No posts tomorrow because I'm leaving very early in the morning to take advantage of Døgnet to travel around Denmark. Will tell you how it goes.
i LOVE spirited away!!!