Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hors d'oeuvre + Dr. Horrible + The Guild

hors d'oeuvres

And what a fine platter it was. Was I really not in a Mediterranean country?


If you haven't heard of Dr. Horrible yet, you're missing out. Hurray for Joss Whedon, Neil Patrick Harris and this musical penned during the WGA strike!

The web series is a great new form for the media/cultural studies scholar to look at. Here's an excellent example: The Guild (also with Felicia Day). Gamers can be too immersed in their WoWorld.


  1. the freeze ray song is still playing in my head! and I love the one-liners!

    "the world is a mess and I just need to rule it"

    NPH = love

  2. yeah, you tend to forget he's gay. :)

  3. hahahahaha you're right! ;p

    i downloaded the songs, i love all the NPH ones. i love almost everything (i found Captain Hammer's 'Hero" song from Act 3 a bit annoying, it so didn't go into my iPod).

  4. the purpose of that song was to ensure that you hate capt. hammer (if you didn't already), and it worked very well.
