Monday, August 21, 2006

Seventeen years later

I first met them both in Grade One. Jenica (right) was a bully who ordered our classmates to throw her trash for her. Donna (center) was a bespectacled Chinese-looking girl (but isn't) who I called Donna DLP because it was written on her name tag.

Several section scrambles later, we became classmates again in high school. By the time we graduated, Jenica was an official bully--Battalion Commander in Citizens Army Training--girly for a top officer. Donna, also a CAT officer, was the class treasurer and was famous for calling out, "PEE-POL!" in her booming voice when asking us to pay up.

They both took up Management Engineering in college, arguably the most challenging course in our school. Now, Jenica is an assistant brand manager for a multinational corporation, while Donna supervises the family business.

I spent a few hours chitchatting with them at Dome Podium and found out that they are fans of coach tours in Europe. The trip tally to the continent is Jenica via Insight-3, Donna via Trafalgar-2.

Statement of the day: "I'm nice naman eh!"--Jenica, puzzled why guys are intimidated by her, at which point Donna and I look at each other and laugh. How many choices do strong, mature women have, anyway?


  1. Abz, you're likely en route to our favorite city in the world as i write this... For the life of me, i CANNOT fathom how you could've written what you did on this entry! :) I know i gave a nonchalant nod and perhaps even said yes in my usual half-an-octave-lower drawl when you asked if you could write about my "tyrant" exploits, but i didn't think you'd take me seriously! I recently had a primer on Erickson's 8 stages of development as part of a consumer insighting session. I realized it's not everyday that a first grader lords it over her classmates, and thanks to you, everybody must think i have serious issues to resolve from the earlier stages of my childhood! Gotta head back to the salt mines now... The best of luck and keep an eye out for my ideal pasalubong: A brit hottie! (and don't forget to check for balls!)

  2. rooting through your achives now, abby! takes me back to my lovely freshman year in college when i was new and bullied. it's excellent fodder for workplace conversations these days :-)

