Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Venetian

Today being the 10th anniversary of Macau as a Special Administrative Region of China, I'll start off a photo tour of four hotel-casinos (no actual gambling was undertaken). I'll start off in COTAI, a reclaimed area in between the islands of Taipa and Coloane. This is where you'll find The Venetian, said to be a replica of the Las Vegas casino (which is a replica of that city of canals in Italy).

the venetian
Not bad, eh?

I'm not sold on the whole facade thing

These bridges lack character, don't you think?

The singing gondolier was fantastic (and most likely Filipino)

Swarovski and Cirque du Soleil

the venetian
The prettiest things for me are the mirrors in the toilet

the venetian


  1. seems like they've transplanted most of the distinct elements of the original venetian hotel in vegas. whether they've copied the spirit of the real venice is much open to debate, though.

  2. my thoughts exactly (though i haven't been to venice)!
