Tuesday, May 26, 2009

AJSS Grand Reunion

You know you're old when...

your batch is lumped with everyone from the time the program started in the 1960s

this is the first time you set foot into Leong Hall

oh no!

There were seven of us from Batch 32 who attended, fairly decent given that a lot of our batchmates are abroad. During the picture taking, the young ones clearly had a different bonding experience. Group hug? Ummm, no. But I wish Fr. Nemy was around.

At the roofdeck, we had dinner while the Blue Symphony played for us. Then there were games (Human Bingo and Jeopardy). We weren't into that so much. As I said, it has something to do with age.

In the AJSS exhibit, there was only one sportsfest photo from our batch. Clearly, we need to get together more.

P.S. I had a severe tummyache the following day which forced me to have bed rest. Did anyone else have trouble, too?


  1. seems like a memorable ajss reunion. i only found about it in your blog. if you felt "old" and referred to the "young ones," imagine how our batch would feel haha. when we were in aj, gary v's "d bale na lang" ruled the airwaves :p

  2. we cheered for the older batches, so i guess it was fine. they also left earlier. probably found the games too juvenile for them. they probably went elsewhere for coffee. we stayed on until the end, which wasn't so late :)
