Thursday, November 15, 2007

MA dissertation update #2

When I started with my first 177 words two weekends ago, I thought, yehey, only 19,823 words to go! For most people, the writing process is a test of willpower. You have to sit yourself down in a place without internet connection and Just. Do. It.

There's the effort of encoding all the things I read and the sources I amassed over the summer--a painstaking process that occasionally made my eyes nearly bloodshot.

Am also in the middle of doing interviews. Three down, five to go.

It can be pretty miserable when London has so much to offer yet going out of the house makes you feel guilty. Why does the sun come out when you have to stay in? It's 4 degrees out, but the blue sky is worth bundling up for.


  1. what about feeling guilty at waking up at 12.30, even though you stayed up to 4 a.m. reading? And the sunny weather .... I always think "you are so disorganized, look at Abby, she is studying but she is getting to see all of London and enjoy it":)

  2. yes, i find myself being more productive when there's no internet connection to distract you. what did you decide on for your thesis?

  3. @popkitchen: there's a difference between sticking to a schedule and having the discipline to do what that period is intended for. that said, i still have to force myself to work. ;)

    @nikki: my topic is what i'm doing at the moment. lol! will email you about it. i don't want to go into much detail yet.
