Monday, November 5, 2007

Dissenters united

I was planning to see fireworks on Saturday night (Remember, remember the fifth of November--advanced Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes celebrations, probably the most anti-Catholic holiday ever). But things didn't work out. The weekend was too beautifully sunny to waste indoors, so I thought of going someplace nearby. This is where I ended up.
A quiet walk alone, you say?

Bunhill Fields
burial grounds is known for its Nonconformists, most notably Daniel Defoe, John Bunyan and William Blake.

william blake daniel defoe
john bunyan

Interestingly, it's in between Wesley's Chapel and the Quaker gardens. It was not creepy at all. The place is maintained by the City of London as a public park. You're welcome to have lunch here. But no picnicking over the graves.


  1. I like "London" by William Blake

  2. it's quite unlike London as it is now, methinks. or it depends on the weather.
