Thursday, February 22, 2007

Snow Wednesday (and Thursday and...)

[update 5:05pm]
Snow in Roskilde is what flooding is to Metro Manila. All classes were suspended today. Not much wind, very little snow, but my front door (left) still looks like this. The wind was kind enough not to deposit that mound of snow directly in front of my door. Blame auto white balance for the blue color.

[update 7:48am]
E-mail from my teachers for the morning class:

Today's class in Collaborative Communication is cancelled due to weather conditions. The roads to Roskilde are blocked, most trains have been cancelled, and very few buses are running in the metro area. Sorry! We will hold the session at a later time

Jørgen & Simon

Non-stop wind and snow yesterday. I meant to make it to the 7pm Ash Wednesday service, but the snowstorm was just too much. I walked with my groupmates until the bridge going to the train station when they told me to imagine coming home and not getting a train back (which has happened in severe weather). Imagine the wind whipping your face with snow at 60kph (like signal #2). On a plain with no buildings or anything else in the snowy wind's path but little you, it's painful.

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